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2011 Fender Old Growth Redwood Telecaster


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A very special Fender Telecaster.

This is a limited edition Fender 'Old Growth Redwood' Telecaster produced in 2011 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Tele. Using Californian Redwood as the body material with a hand-rubbed oil finish, 'U' shaped nitro finished neck, 9.5" radius, Custom Shop '62 pickups and limited edition engraved neck-plate. 

This guitar is in fantastic condition with only some dents on the body, which is common with this particular model due to the timber and oil finish. The neck is a treat to play and the pickups sound great. It is also very light, weighing in at 2.9kg (6.4lbs)

Includes original Fender G&G case w/ Case Candy, Fender strap and Fender cloth

Available in our Auckland Store