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Used – Monty’s More – The Ultimate Boost Pedal


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Monty's MORE! is a double boost made up of two independent 15dB JFET boost circuits with an effects loop in the middle. Each JFET circuit behaves like a brighter version of a valve input stage. 

The controls are pretty darn simple. Each footswitch turns one of the boost circuits on/off and each of the knobs controls the gain of one of the circuits. The gain can be adjusted from unity (no additional gain) to 15dB, over double the perceived loudness, depending on what is driving it, and what it is driving.
Now the cool bit...

Between the two boosts is a loop, similar to the effects loop on your amp. This allows you to go out after the first boost and hit the front end of your drives/fuzzes/any pedal really, making them react differently, compress more or just go darn crazy pants. This won't always make the signal coming out of the pedal louder, just betterer. So that's when you go back into the MORE! and use the second boost, behind all your other pedals.

But don’t stop there: If you really want to go mad, you can run the MORE!’s first boost into the front of your amp and run the second boost into the effects loop. This works particularly well when you set your amp with a fair amount of gain, and we really like using it for an all-in-one solo boost; the boost circuit in the front end of the amp gives you your drive, while hitting your amp’s power section with the second JFET boost circuit (the one in the effects loop) gives a big old lift to both volume and presence. This pushes you straight to the forefront of the mix, ensuring that the whole audience can hear you for your moment of glory.
We know that the knobs look like you need a spanner to adjust them, but I promise they don’t- they are set & forget knobs; Just find the best position for you, lock down the hex nut and stomp away without having to worry about accidentally knocking your settings awry and tearing your sound asunder.