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1965 Gibson L-4C


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This is a stunning example of a golden era Gibson archtop in very tidy condition for its age.

Designed with the same 16" body, florentine cutaway and styling as its electrified cousin, the ES-175, the L-4C differs in its construction as a true acoustic archtop, featuring a carved, solid Spruce top which offers greater natural resonance and tone than the ES models. On release in 1949, the L-4C did not come fitted with a pickup as standard, however later production years often see fingerboard-mounted humbuckers or floating DeArmond pickups installed from the factory. In this example, an aftermarket adjustable DeArmond Rhythm Chief 1100 is fitted. Revered among cats for its clarity and rich woody tone, the Rhythm Chief can also easily be adjusted by sliding the pickup along the supporting bar to change its tone. These pickups have become incredibly sought-after and often fetch well over $1k by themselves! 

Overall in good condition for its age with a couple of exceptions: the original pickguard has two drill holes likely from old controls for a previous pickup, and there has been a refret. The neck feels fantastic and plays great all the way up. Includes original Gibson hard shell case, hang tag and original DeArmond cable.


Available at our Auckland store