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Mr Glyn’s Pickups – ‘Jazzmaster Vintage’ Set


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We're proud to be offering Glyn Evans new line of handmade pickups - Mr Glyn's Pickups made in West Auckland. We've tried the series and can highly recommend them to any player. 

If you own a Squier / Mexican or even Japanese Jazzmaster - buy these now. It will transform your instrument.

From the man himself:

The Jazzmaster vintage set is intended for the clean player needing a low powered Jazzmaster set with full tone, warmth and clarity.

These pickups have smooth a jangly treble , always present, never harsh and distinctively Jazzmaster. The bass is clean, clear, woody and full of character and with the warmth of the original Jazzmaster pickups. The mid range is smooth and well balanced. Alnico II magnets give these pickups a clear, very musical quality.

Wound RWRP they hum cancel when both pickups are on.

Their clarity makes these pickups suitable for many musical styles and lend themselves well to pedals with the personality of the pickups shining through. Drenched in reverb and delay, grinding fat fuzz tones or even clean Jazz.

This pickup set was designed around the standard 1MegOhm pots though work equally well with 500KOhm or 250KOhm. It’s really up to you which tone you prefer.

I’ve always had a fondness for offset guitars and Jazzmasters in particular. Is it the look? The smooth, clear treble? The versatile electronics? Probably all of those things. Jazzmasters are not like anything else, you either get it or you don’t.

I hope you enjoy these pickups, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed designing, and especially testing them. This time the rigorous testing that I put all my pickups through re-kindled my love of Jazzmasters. The sound of a pickup and the way it reacts to pedals and your amp change the way you play. I really like the direction these pickups have steered me in. 

Alnico II – Bridge 8.96 KOhms / Neck 7.92 KOhms

Price is for a set - individual pickups available at $149.

The Jazzmaster vintage comes with covers included; choose from white, parchment or black.