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Solace Marlburian


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Back in stock is the stunning Solace Marlburian!

A guitar handmade in NZ from reclaimed native timbers. This guitar sounds as good as it looks.  

From the Builder:

Solace instruments started with two interests 'colliding', music and wood.  I've always played and this interest lead me to building several bass guitars over time, first while I was in 5th Form at school, the second a good 15 years later.  Stomp boxes followed, then guitars, basses and a couple of hand-made amps.

Most of the wood used is NZ recycled native timber such as Rimu, Matai and Rewarewa.  Most of it comes from Marlborough and is a fitting end to an old house, bach or carport that once held a roof over our heads.

Includes Hard Case

Available in our Auckland Store

 - Recycled heart rimu back
 - Local Walnut top with Mahogany Feature
 - Aotearoa sound hole

 - Recycled NZ Matai neck with Pau Ferro fretboard
 - '62 C profile neck
 - 12" radius
 - NZ bone nut
 - 2/way truss rod, headstock adjustment

 - Solace Alnico II Humbuckers
 - One volume, one tone, 3/way toggle selector
 - Push/pull tone for coil split
 - Custom rimu pickup covers

Hand-made here in Marlborough, NZ.  Comes with hard case and ownership certificate.